Priority SitRep

6/2/24. Found a free hour or two. Actively working on site. Email me if you find something messed up.

Falling back to regroup

My apologies, again I am working 60 hour weeks, fighting with my Ender 3, and more.

I am, however slowly working on See Mark Paint and Roster Builder. All that being said, I have to give you a fair warning, I am having to take a pause on posting. I mean, like not working on the website or content at all. The primary reason is this website is facing a forced shutdown. I'm running on an old version of PHP that will stop working soon. When I try to upgrade the PHP, it breaks the website. Add to that the CMS software itself has undergone a major revision that I must also upgrade to, with some of the modules I use not upgraded or I have to buy a whole new package. The look may change as well, as I may have to go to a new template. Hopefully not though.

So, all of my time normally allocated for even thinking about Battletech is now forcefully allocated for doing these upgrades. Fair warning, you might come here one day and find a static webpage. Rest assured I am diligently working on making it through these trials and tribulations.

See you on the other side.


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